Not gonna lie, if a Furry told me they got arrested by animal control I’d be impressed.
Kind of like getting a speeding ticket on a bicycle…
That happened to me once! I was 15 and going to school, was riding a Lotus Eclair I’d fixed up. I entered the school zone and wanted to see if I could get over 25 mph. But there was a cop hiding and I got a ticket. I had to tell my parents, and I think they were impressed with my 31 in a 25 speeding ticket.
The best part was having to go to court, and the judge asking how I got a Lotus (she was thinking of a car) and then upon learning the truth, asking the officer why he was wasting his time stopping a kid on a bicycle.
anthropomorphic behavior
Anyone else morbidly curious about what happens if they don’t fix the bill’s wording and accidentally ban “human-shaped behavior” at school?
I’ve got to admit that Republicans are always finding new and creative ways to be outrageously villainous and hateful
It’s because furries are overwhelmingly queer and often used as a stand in for fear mongering about trans people (ex: the “litter boxes in schools” rumor).
On one hand, this has got to be public trolling. On the other, it’s still a bill calling for a classification of people to be removed from society. If it weren’t so scary it would be funny.
Fascism demands outlandish “enemies” in order to justify punishment as policy. Usually, no suitable ones exist, so they are created through outlandish fantasy.
How does Oklahoma have nothing else to legislate on?
They have plenty, but they’d rather distract from society’s issues as much as possible so their arctic temperature IQ constituents don’t realize how bad they have it
Imagine being an animal control guy and having a school seriously call you and ask you to take a stranger’s child because of that child’s participation in a subculture.
“Here kiddy kiddy kiddy”
Imagine having the cops called on you for being a child predator when you’re just animal control.