Large enthusiastic texts as in large texts about topics, you have common with the other person and enthusiastic about.

I am a person who prefers texts over calls. Maybe that might be the reason, the people I have in my circles are more into calls than texts.

But this happened with my online friends as well whose only mode of communication is via texts.

I used to have a friend who would do so but with the topics only he was interested in lol but I used to kinda act like I’m listening to him by asking small questions . He did try to complement my listening skills once. We used to chat for hours together. Sadly life moved on and he branched away from my friend circle (which is kinda non-existent rn because life ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯).

Or am I just too boring or loud? Is this a bad habit? Sometimes I can’t stop making walls of texts. (Oops here I go again)

Side note: Subscribe to c! and help it grow. I wanted to make a post there but it was really dead. (It doesn’t have to be a instance.)

    4 months ago

    Hard to say without knowing the conversations or what the recipients are like.

    Personally, I try to keep texts to quick messages, as I’m not one for text conversations. If someone started throwing blocks of text at me, expecting me to keep up the conversation, I’d just call them. If they didn’t want to talk, then it probably wouldn’t be long before I just stopped reading the texts.