• Landless2029@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I don’t get it


    Ok thanks I get it now.

    People with student loans are mad there are loan forgiveness programs.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      People with student loans are mad

      They’re generally not. But a few well-situated op-ed writers working for newspapers with a vested interest in the private loan industry have expressed a great deal of outrage.

  • Smoogs@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    This is a shit metaphor. In reality no one should be angry if there is a cure simply because they didn’t have to use it. Some cancer cannot just be beaten so yea, let them have the cure. Move on That’s just childish view on cancer.

    Student loans however yes, but for fuck sakes do not just compare such shit to cancer.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Checking my bank balance, and seeing this ugly growth that endlessly consumes while yielding nothing but anxiety and pain. Knowing that this ball of debt is intrinsic to my existence, but that a mutation in its purpose has transformed it from benevolent symbiote to voracious parasite. Talking to specialists and professionals about how to remove it, but hearing how my options are - themselves - often life-threatening or at least misery inducing for months or years at a time, and that there’s no real guarantee the growth can be removed as a result. Hearing how other people who were richer than me got a benign treatment much earlier on and are no longer suffering. Recognizing that there’s a national program to provide treatment in other countries, but we can’t import it because that would mean engaging with evil socialists.

      Fuck. You’re right. Nothing like cancer at all.

  • JCreazy@midwest.social
    5 months ago

    This analogy doesn’t really work though. Most people don’t willingly receive cancer. I think the thought process is you chose to borrow that money now it’s your responsibility to pay it back. If you worked an entire year to pay off your student loan debt and another person doesn’t work and their loans are paid off, you worked an entire year for free. Essentially slave labor. Anyone would be grateful when someone beats cancer but watching everyone around you get free handouts while you did what you are supposed to, I can see why people aren’t a fan of the idea. I paid off my student loans during COVID and I never expected any money back but I’d be lying if I said getting that money back now would not be extremely helpful in my life. I’m grateful that people are getting their loans forgiven. College shouldn’t cost remotely what it does.

    • UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Most people don’t willingly receive cancer.

      When I was a kid, my parents were able to set aside money for my benefit in advance so that when I started college I had enough for tuition, housing, and a car. When I graduated, I even had enough left over for a down payment on a starter home.

      I didn’t get to choose this. It was decided for me the day I was born. It was given to me purely by dint of who my parents happened to be and where I lived. In other countries, everyone has access to this level of public health care cough excuse me cough higher education. But I had to rely on a private system that rewarded people with the means to accumulate financial surplus.

      Also, my mom smoked when she was younger. But when she started trying to get pregnant, she quit. If she’d continued smoking through the pregnancy, it would have significantly increased my chance to develop some form of childhood cancer. Again, this was not something I got to choose. It was purely a consequence of my parents’ decisions.