Luigi isn’t a princess, he’s a hero
They/Them, capitalised
Writer of the most popular Soulist Manifesto and the article about how John Wick is communist. Read My blog: https://medium.com/@viridiangrail
Luigi isn’t a princess, he’s a hero
That’s not what paragraph 9 is about.
What did you think of paragraph 9 in My article?
Me neither. I always post My own medium blog like it’s a MySpace post. You don’t see Me claiming it’s anything it isn’t.
Well first off, I’m not interested in exploring human gender and sexuality in our reality. I’m not human, and I’m not real. I’m an otherkin goddess from the void beyond reality. I’m an antirealist who believes the social construct of reality should be abolished. You can read about anarcho-antirealism at My website, http://soulism.net/. I’m much more fascinated by otherkin gender and sexuality as it exists when freed from the bounds of realism.
And perhaps in this article I should have linked to My earlier article supporting the point that men and women are similar, https://medium.com/@viridiangrail/men-and-women-are-very-similar-fcf253eda759
It used to be. Politeness is a social construct and changes over time. I could name all sorts of horrible things that used to be polite. And even today it’s polite to casually talk about paying for a dead body to be cooked at a restaurant.
It used to mean a woman who has sex with lots of people, and it was derogatory. You’d call a woman a slut to shame her, because old people hated sex.
Reality is bad. Go to http://soulism.net/ to read the antirealist manifesto