I agree. For some people, I think pornography and prostitution are their preferred jobs.in your scenario, they would be more empowered to speak up for themselves. Right now, with food and shelter being a concern, people may not always feel comfortable turning jobs down.
Not domeone who has given up gaming, but I stopped gaming for a bit with the hope I would be more productive. Not long, short bursts of a couple of months. I hated it because I would still spend time doing “unproductive” things, but even worse, it felt like I wasn’t doing anything actually fun. Like, I’m scrolling on Reddit or Lemmy for like 2 hours? Sure I read quite a bit, but there’s a lot of uneducationa posts, as well as a lot of time spent scrolling because I was on it for so long that the good posts I got through quickly.
At least with video games, I get a sense of learning, and challenging myself.