Ooh, I’m so jelly of working in a barn and near horses! Ouch re: your ankle. Bummer about aqua therapy. It was very hard to find for me too. But it sounds like you’re all set for the task, so here’s wishing you good luck! Do post updates for us concrete jungle types.
Just double checked and the chairman is indeed Jim “Gym” Jordan Sick fuck
Richard Strauss was the wrestling team physician during Jordan’s tenure. Strauss died by suicide in 2005. In April 2018, Ohio State University began an independent investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct by Strauss. Of the 177, 153 were student-athletes, of which a plurality (48) were members of the men’s wrestling team.: 43
Several involved persons have stated that Jordan surely knew of Strauss’s criminal misconduct but did not report it. Other wrestlers and Head Coach Russ Hellickson said he may not have known about the abuse. A spokesperson for Jordan denied the allegation, saying that “chairman Jordan never saw or heard of any abuse, and if he had, he would have dealt with it”. No wrestlers have accused Jordan himself of sexual misconduct, but four former wrestlers named him as a defendant in a lawsuit against the university.Jordan has denied any wrongdoing and has described his accusers as “pawns in a political plot”.
(Sorry the formatting is messed up. On my phone and just woke up lol)