Living in a house with 40 parties, city is subsidizing optical fiber, only 5000€ for the whole building to be connected. Majority said no. So 50MBit/s is here to stay.
Living in a house with 40 parties, city is subsidizing optical fiber, only 5000€ for the whole building to be connected. Majority said no. So 50MBit/s is here to stay.
It is quite a bit out of date luckily. Signal-Desktop already stores data encrypted for quite a while. However it used to store the decryption key right alongside it. Recently (a few month ago) Signal switched to storing the key within the systems keystore, greatly improving security. Also causing a flood of users complaining that the can’t just copy their .config to a new desktop and retain their chat history. This may have prompted the release of this new feature :)
It does include it. The article list it in detail: 36.79% of the Linux users use the steam deck. And the number is falling, which means there are more users also using Linux on desktop PC (or other gaming handhelds)
But that may also just be statistical noise.
Not per month, it was a one time fee to lay FTTB (optical fiber to the building) which would have allowed individual apartment owners to choose higher internet speeds if they need.