I’ll definitely wait for a review or some gameplay footage before I give them any money but if it’s anything like the first game I’ll also probably be giving them money right away lol.
Can’t stand the left. Can’t stand the right.
Stuck here in the middle with you.
I’ll definitely wait for a review or some gameplay footage before I give them any money but if it’s anything like the first game I’ll also probably be giving them money right away lol.
The first game has online servers that people host. Usually a blast. The occasional crybaby host. I have spent many nights just crashing into my buddy and trying to take each other out of each race.
Sometimes we will just look for an empty server so we can mess around “alone”.
I don’t believe it supports split screen and I haven’t tried LAN.
The single player campaign of the first game took longer than I expected and was harder than I thought (if you care about getting 3 stars on all races). Some of this races you need a fast light car to win, but the challenges require you to take out a bunch of people meaning you have to do it really intelligently while not losing too much paceborndestroyijg your unarmored race car for example.
Unless they really botch this game (kerbal 2 style) I think this second one will be even better than the first.
I am actually hyped for this. The first one was so much fun. If this one is just more of the same with improvements I will so be there.
Let’s be honest here. He is killing that fit.
Yeah this is EA we are talking about here. I have my expectations below the ground, but I remain open to the idea of being happily surprised lol
If this is basically battlefield 3 + I will happily spend the money and time playing a battlefield again.
If this has any of the BS that made 2042 suck so much ass I will be skipping it.
I miss having a solid battlefield game to play, but I’m not going to take any bullshit included. I don’t wanna see any fuckin wingsuits. No grapple hook Tarzan mother fuckers. No wall hack BS.
I want 4 classes. I want team objectives. I want maps that look like shit by the time a match ends because everthing has been pretty much been leveled by explosives.
I’ve been outta the console game for ages, but you ain’t kidding the PS5 only has~800 games currently. The PS4 has over ~3,500 lol.
If you don’t think they are collecting any user data I have a bridge to sell you.
Yeah because pirates are notorious for giving up immediately when you make their jobs a little harder.
It’s not exactly what you’re looking for but I have described having ADHD as like having a TO-DO list except any time something new is added to the list you have to roll a dice and decide which thing on the list you’re going to do right now. On the rare occasion nothing else comes up before you finish one task you’ll be golden. But if anything should pop into your mind it throws the entire things back into the random TO-DO list which you will then reroll.
This is the perfect visual example of what living with ADHD is like: https://youtu.be/AbSehcT19u0?si=EwsCg-xZVZOpbbLN
All-or-nothing is a great way of putting it. I have a ton of information in my head but it only sticks if it is of particular interest to me. Getting information to stick that I don’t give a crap about takes ages. It took me till I was probably 25 until I fully memorized my SSN. Even then I still forget it all the time. I remember the last 4 consistently but the whole thing I still have to double check lol.
And it’s not as reliable or “always on” as those people with photographic memory either lol.
It’s like trying to store data with randomly bad sectors so we just end up with all this half complete gibberish at times haha
My dyslexia could never.
I can’t remember names or license plate numbers lol. Thank God for dash cams I guess lol
Gotta give the tism time to work it’s magic lol
I got that ADHD where after walking though someone’s house once I’ll hear them say something like “man I haven’t seen my X in awhile” and I’ll immediately go “it’s under the pile of magazines by the shelves”.
I can’t remember anyones birthdays or my own fuckin social security number when I need to, but I remember seeing some random objects after only being in a room once. Three months ago.
Some games lend themselves better to modding. Some are much more complicated to mod. Some games need a mod manager to do conflict checks and some games can just have mods piled on top of each other endlessly without issues.
Mods within certain game engines can pretty much be moved between games ofln the same engine often with very little adjustment.
I would say in modern modding it is usually fairly straightforward, but some games and some older mods definitely require some deep computer fuckery.
Stick to things you’re comfortable with and skip the ones you aren’t.
Probably like 2 dozen a week. I like eggs lol.
I want it to work because it would be so fuckin cool. Yeet my ashes into orbit pls.
I had the 1080ti well after the 3080 release. I Got a great deal and had recent switched to 1440p so I pulled the trigger on a 3080 not long before the 4000 series cards dropped.
I mean I am all for ending racism, but if we are being honest with ourselves the little “end racism” banner wasn’t doing shit for race relations lol.
Spending time with people outside your bubble is always good even if it’s uncomfortable at first. There are countless records of racist white guys joining the army and leaving with a different perspective on the different races. People raised by racists who then went and spent time being shot at and laughing next to people they had been told were somehow different than them simply because of their skin pigmentation. Many people came back from military service with friends of all nationalities.
Anyway the whole “End racism” banner feels a lot like the “gun free zone” signs. The people who are going to read the sign and listen to it are probably already following those instructions. The people who are going to ignore it and continue on their way weren’t going to read it in the first place.