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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • Not exactly crazy but just mysterious…this was at a software company I worked at many years ago. It was one of the developers in the team adjacent to ours who I worked with occasionally - nice enough person, really friendly and helpful, everyone seemed to get on with them really well and generally seemed like a pretty competent developer. Nothing to suggest any kind of gross misconduct was happening.

    Anyway, we all went off to get lunch one day and came back to an email that this person no longer worked at the company, effective immediately. Never saw them again.

    No idea what went down - but the culture at that place actually became pretty toxic after a while, which led to a few people (including me) quitting - so maybe they dodged a bullet.

  • I quit my last job because management wanted us back into the office at first one, then two, then three days a week - all so that we had to commute into an office pointlessly and then either spend the entire day on Teams calls, or just sit at desks writing exactly the same code that we would have at home.

    When I accepted my new role, I made very sure that my contract of employment was explicitly set up for full time remote work only.

    I wish the best of luck to anyone attempting the same switch at the moment, the job market in general (and especially in tech) is in a crazy situation at the moment.