Dyslexic Privacy & Foss advocate, and Linux user.

Ace 🖤🩶🤍💜

Anti Commercial-AI license (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • did you really need to come say “not all men” to a comment that didn’t even say “most?” Are you THAT insecure about the possibility that other men are unpleasant to women sometimes that you need to come and do this and keep replying and even draw pictures about it?

    You didn’t even read the argument. It’s not about “not all men” , it’s about your hyper-generalization and hypersimplification of men’s issues and acting like there’s a silver bullet solution that men are (implied) to lazy to do. Hence the “have they thought about smiling more” example, emphasizing the ridiculous copout response that solves nothing and actively hurts men. Which btw, is an actual IRL example.

    We can ignore the fact that you are currently being the man being unpleasant to women for the moment if it makes your continued trolling easier.

    You’re literally a woman hyper generalizing and oversimplifying men’s issues while being unpleasant to a man. Hypocrite.

  • Men are welcome to do the same whenever they’re ready, but for now a lot of men are just coping by crab bucketing this shit and bringing women back down.

    Stop pretending like you know jack shit about men’s issues.
    It’s only to/about men do you mfs say this type of shit.
    “Oh, men are depressed and have insanely high suicide rate? Have they tried smiling more?”

    Men are welcome to do the same whenever they’re ready

    We’ve been ready for a very long fucking time.
    When will society be ready to actually fucking listen for once?
    It’s fuckin sad that the only people able to talk about men’s issues are either fucking grifters (Andrew you know who) or aren’t even men.
    Just STFU with your copout bullshit.