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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • Almost all of these the game literally tells you about right there in the GUI… When you are building, you get an info bar telling you what button combinations do what. This is smart enough to even depend on what exactly you are building, so it will not tell you about R for build modes when you are building things that don’t have build modes.

    Another small thing not everyone knows about: when building normal hyper tubes or pipelines, you can rotate the end point vertically as well. While placing it ( hold left mouse button), you can drag the cursor up/down for elevation, but you can also use the scroll wheel to tilt the connector. This allows for more aesthetic long gradients, without having “steps” on the connectors.

  • Japan had a lot more wood-only city buildings back then compared to the colder climate in Europe, where more massive stone architecture was common. In Europe, cellars are also common/default, unlike in Japan.

    During high heat firestorms, most of the wooden material burns up and the ash gets carried away. The photo definitely shows cleanup and very likely was not taken the day after the bombing, but a single firestorm definitely can produce these results, much like other examples in Cologne, Hamburg, Dresden, Würzburg,… Except those had much more stone rubble standing afterwards.

  • Why do you consider telegram private? It’s a pretty bad option for that. They are only using true end-to-end encryption when using the explicit “secret chat” feature, which is limited to one-on-one still, afaik.

    “Normal”/default encryption gets resolved on telegram servers, so your clear text messages are sitting there for them to do whatever they want. Given that telegram is based in UAE and has knownRussian management influence,I’d be extra hesitant.

    It also is for-profit and closed-source for the servers ( only clients are open source), so nobody knows what the servers really do.

    If you care about privacy, go use Signal or any Matrix-based messenger such as Element. Especially because they lack zero of the comfort and usability that Telegram offer, but are much more secure.

  • Inherited a Hilti Hammer drill from my dad that was used for basically everything in construction and demolition he ever did since before I was born - around 4 decades ago. It was and is the tool he and now me always go to when cheaper drills can’t deal with the problem. Be it hammering through super massive concrete walls or enduring hours-long destruction sessions, it just does the job.

    Nowadays it looks like a utter piece of junk that got tumble dried with rocks, but it’s as reliable as on day one.

  • Technically true, but I think everybody knows exactly what kind of dlc is meant, and because they still make up the majority of dlc content and addon-sized dlcs are so rare, it’s fair to call them that.

    Moneygrab empty dlcs ( shiny horse armor! ) are stupid, and history has shown that people are not fiscally responsible enough to not be lured into spending absurd amounts of money for very shallow or plain empty content. “Vote with your wallet” doesn’t really work in the face of more and more insidious marketing efforts.

  • Yes, there’s much more.

    But it’s hard to explain without spoiling things, as is typical for Kojima games. His games often feature unique and bold new gameplay, have a strong focus on character storytelling ( almost movie-like), all embedded in worlds that share many similarities with our own, but have bizarre twists to them.

    In terms of gameplay, it has elements of survival, crafting, stealth, fighting/shooting, and navigation.

    I consider Kojima games pieces of art. Not everyone will enjoy them, sure, but it’s worth having at least attempted to interact with them, purely to experience their hard to forget uniqueness. Those that find the gameplay enjoyable often rank it as a game of the decade in terms of memorability.