Ah, no it does not do that
Ah, no it does not do that
Like if you visit a link or go to someone’s profile, then go back to return to the comments, will your scroll position be remembered so you can see the comment you were just looking at? If so, yes
It’s Holocaust 2: Electric Boogaloo
This product is not for you, individual consumer. This is for corporations who don’t want the overhead of managing individual PCs and everything that can go wrong with them, instead relying on virtual workspaces and roaming user profiles.
72 hours, insomnia. They first put me on benzos, then trazodone, then finally Lunesta was able to get my brain working fully again. The benzos were interesting because I didn’t really feel like I slept when I was on it? Like it just erased my memory of the sleepless night
Mastodon has a pseudo-algorithm (sort of, unless there’s a better name) in the Search/Explore -> Posts view, which shows you posts that are trending on your instance. I wonder if Lemmy can come up with something similar based on your instance activity
Millions of American children are (were?) given these in the third grade and yes they all call them that
I love how his last name is pronounced “to share a” and he did, in abundance
I think it’s easy to understand Mastodon, or any federated service, using a metaphor for a country or large place, where you can say “I want to move to X country” but then you have to actually pick a place IN that country to live, like a specific city or rural district. Once you decide on your instance, it’s really not that hard
And make it in black or gray so it’s impossible to find in an emergency👌
Friendly reminder that everyone should have one of these seatbelt-cutter-window-hammer things in their glovebox
Things seem to have improved in the last 5 years, so maybe give it another shot. I’m on Fedora 40 with gnome and lots of extensions, and I’m constantly tinkering with it to make it look just right (for fun, not that I feel like I have to). Nothing catastrophic has happened yet!🤞
'Tis a shame your image left out the OG
Megalodon is a good client, forked from a recent version of the official Mastodon app for Android (which is a fine client in itself). Megalodon also supports some extra features that some instances opt for via a forked backend, but it’s fully compatible with all instances. Here’s are some good place to find instances https://mastodon.fediverse.observer/list https://fedidb.org/software/mastodon
Trump would personally push the button to exterminate the Gazans. That’s what we’re up against. I suggest you put your energy into defeating him, then we put Kamala’s feet to the fire so she listens, as she has already signalled her intention to do so.
I hope that’s his real name, Oldmancat Murphy
For days, various media outlets had been aware — through their own reporting and as information trickled out elsewhere — that a prisoner swap involving American journalists and dissidents was in the works. But news organizations were asked by the White House to hold their stories until Gershkovich et al. were in U.S. custody. Until then, the prisoners would still be in Russian captivity, and officials feared that any attention brought to the fragile deal could risk compromising it — not just for the U.S., but for the multiple other countries whose prisoners were freed as part of the swap.
10:08 is the other time that is often used for analog clocks in store displays, because like 1:50 it makes the hands into the shape of a check mark. My favorite though is when digital clocks are ALSO set to 10:08 as a reference to that even though there are no hands!