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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2024


  • sure, it’s really easy and if you like hotc sauce it’s both fun and saves you money.

    The only special equipment I use are wire bale jars, a stick blender and xanthan gum for some sauces. Can get jars and bottles cheap at goodwill. I also keep sodium benzoate and add it to sauces i give away but just keep the ones i make in the fridge and they are always gone fast.

    My method: Boil a big pot of water and let it sit with a lid overnight to get all the chlorine out. We are counting on lactobacillus to outcompete any other bacteria and to provide us with the lactic acid that preserves the peppers. Don’t want to kill the lactobacillus with too much heat or chlorine but she can handle a little salt.

    Wash (with some of the de-chlorinated water) and cut a pound or 1000 grams of peppers up (it’s easier for me to buy a pound but easier to calculate the additives with a kilogram just go with whatever you got), leaving the stems on a few of them for flavor. You can add in garlic, onion, whatever. i have big jars that can hold this many at once but you might use less peppers or more jars as needed.

    Whatever amount of peppers you end up with, stuff them in your jars leaving a couple inches at the top. sprinkle them with 3 to 5% of their total weight of kosher salt. Then top it up almost to the top with dechlorinated water.

    Then I put a plastic bag filled with water in at the top of the jar so all the peppers are submerged and clamp it shut.

    brine may ooze or even spray out under pressure so i put a towel over the top.

    let it sit for a week or a few months and when your’re ready separate the brine from the soft pickled peppers, blend up the peppers and add in your cloudy brine until you like the consistency (lean towards watery), then add in 2-3% by weight of xanthan gum to stabilize it, thicken it and keep it from separating in the fridge.

    I put mine in those sealable glass bottles with the rubber gasket and wire clamp and they last months in the fridge and are so good! I get all my equipment at goodwill I wait until they are half priced or marked cheap and only pay $1 per bottle or jar unless it’s very big or has cool designs.

    good luck!

    oh yeah if you get farty smells or you just want a more mellow flavor or you are storing it in bottles without a rubber gasket seal you can cook the pepper mash and brine and that’ll mellow it out.

  • thanks for the very well written post!!

    I make my own fermented hot sauce and ginger bug but haven’t done cabbage yet and didn’t even think of saurkraut i was gonna do kimchi but my roommates love saurkraut so i’m excited to try this out.

    one thing i learned about dealing with headspace is to put a ziplock bag of water at the very top of of the jar. Nothing can squeeze past it except liquid so you don’t end up with anything solid poking out and getting moldy! I just did a sriracha that sat for months and it was heavenly. I don’t crack my jars though i use the wire bale type that’ll vent gas so i just look for the cloudiness from the lactobacillus.

    i’m gonna do this very soon.

  • the suspension is barely loaded, I’m guessing AI or Art Vehicle and that’s all a shell. I owned a work truck with an 8 foot bed and when it was loaded the tire would be way up in the wheel well more. Could be some super suspension but my money is it’s not really what we are seeing. The suspension being perfectly level with the ground makes me think AI as the vehicle is designed to be level with the rear loaded. With that front loaded down too the nose should be pitched down a bit.

  • personal anecdote; I spent a year barefoot as a teen after dropping out of high school. The only time I had anything on my feet was orthodontist visits they said i couldn’t go on without flip flops but nowhere else cared.

    After about a year of this the callous on the bottom of my feet was so thick i could walk a few hundred meters on summer asphalt without a break and once got a small square of windshield glass embedded in my foot and it just plucked right out and left a square hole, zero pain at all. The pads were about 3/4 cm thick at the ball of my foot and 1/2cm at the heel.

    I did this after reading about this effect in a book and wanting to see if it was true and it really was!

    edit: also if you try this i should mention that your feet pads turn black and are impossible to clean really just get to a less dark black. most other people find this offputting.

    cw: gross, blood

    Tap for spoiler

    don’t read this part if you’re squeamish

    I would often have to pick tiny rocks and slivers of metal out of my feet when I did this because I walked to my friends house all summer and there was no sidewalk so it was on the streets.

    So i had my dad’s tools like these little snippers and needle nose pliers to grab the stuff and pull it out. So one day i’m like picking at my toe where the callous is really deep and I see something black embedded in it so I start digging for it. And damn this one is deeper than most I’m snipping into the toe deeper and deeper with the metal snippers and i can’t quite reach it and it’s starting to get to sensitive tissue.

    And that’s when I snip some little blood vessel in my toe that i had mistaken for embedded road debris. Ooze not squirt so i suppose it was just a big old capillary but oof it hurt and was a mess and that was the end of my messing around with my feet I started wearing shoes and socks again after that!

    Thank you for reading my barefoot memoirs 😂🦶

  • I haven’t seen any other posters mention Medicare/Medicaid. I am about to lose Medicaid (for good reasons) but I have used it in California, Washington and Oregon and overall it’s a lot better than nothing.

    Medicaid has covered full childbirth expenses, a ligament replacement surgery, years of mental health therapy, my HRT, dental care, glasses (in some states) and everything else pretty much. I have paid zero out of pocket except for glasses in one state that doesn’t cover them for adults and i think Washington didn’t cover Dental maybe.

    The care is NOT as good as when I had $700/mo techbro insurance for instance i hurt my back (ruptured disc) and medicare doctors refused to even image it because i can walk and stand so they just say to eat ibuprofen. I’m really excited to get private insurance and actually get an MRI and treatment because the back part sucks.

    But the country hasn’t left me to die in the streets. Medicaid and SNAP have been feeding my family and taking care of our health care for a couple years now while we pivoted and my partner went to school (also paid for by the gov) and now we are back to the productive portion of society. Social safety nets work and the left coast at least has useful ones if you meet the criteria and have the capacity to jump through the hoops.