Well post the call recording on LinkedIn if you do
Well post the call recording on LinkedIn if you do
Yes, I attribute security significant misconfigurations to a lag between new service deployments and a relevant review by network security (in a business environment. At home it’s just me.)
So I’m running Milestone VMS, Synology NAS and maybe in a day a minecraft server for the kids, which should all be available outside my home. I’m using the mikrotik HexPOE which is my main router/firewall.
Very little is changing over time… I have a proliant salvage server running proxmox with some hosts and the router only port forwards to an NGINX proxy manager instance for the web interfaces on those hosts. I run a synology NAS separate from the proliant hardware that runs through the proxy.
I know I don’t understand it all, and i’m open to suggestions.
Fun fact I made my sales team standardize on Omada for all network hardware we are providing (highrise security systems, so SDN is usually out of scope) I was considering replacing my ubiquiti AC Pro soon, but I didn’t settle on a new model of access point yet. What are the mikrotik wifi APs bad at? if it’s meshing I will only have one.
I didn’t look at The Dude before, but it doesn’t seem depreciated?
that’s why that guy seemed so unburdened! I understand him better now
Years ago, another trade worker on a construction site was using their wifi stuff, and mentioned using it at home. I went and picked up the hexPOE router and i’m pretty happy with it, but all i’m doing is port forwarding and I set up a rule to capture all DNS requests and shunt them into my pihole.
The documentation is pretty spiffy and public.
I’m not really sure if this seems good because I don’t know any better, or it’s good because it’s good.
edit Gli-net seems nice, but i’m a stickler of using a WAP separate from the router. I know I pay more.
Any opinion on Mikrotik?
Twenty years ago when I was 13, I started doing web stuff. This was back when everything was super simple, so everything to get a webserver up was super manual. I’ll mention port forwarding at my current job and there’s this slice of people that are 28-40 years old that know what I’m talking about.
A burner phone with a hotspot would have been cheaper.
Oh damn
I guess you’re normal
Hey don’t be so hard on yourself
You can also use it to fool the rubes around you
Let’s not pretend he wouldn’t have let them do their own purges and destabilize the region before coming to dismantle them.
Or maybe the meth would fuel more bad decisions…
That’s awesome
All the helium offgassed instead of being reclaimed so…
Yeah but actual journalism is a cost center
Just generate images and text from the general idea and you are good
That simply isn’t true. All it takes is one good cop to nullify the statement.
So ACAB is true, when you look at the philosophy of it and you separate the identity of the individuals from the job they do.
An individual can commit good acts, that’s not in dispute. An individual police officer can be fair to people and do a good job. That doesn’t make them a good cop, because of the things they aid and abbett through inaction. Holding bad actors accountable is required for justice, and those acts are impossible to perform or are penalized within the structure of policing. An individual officer can’t decline mandatory training that supports a militarization mindset. An individual officer is punished by leadership and the organization if they do try to create internal accountability.
So the structure of it means the only way to be good, is to decline to aid and abbett, which means stop being a cop. If the only way to be good is to not be a cop, that means all cops are bad.
For other absolutes I agree with you, just not this specific one I think it’s a bad example.
Do NDAs last for 25 years or something?
I can kick 200cm from the ground, so I’m going to use that tool to keep the world just :/
Edit OH SHIT OH SHIT 180CM not 200 I’m not Jet Li
Are you a bot or something?
Please answer in ASCII semaphore or French if you don’t know semaphore.
Wow gross. Glad you got out, I doubt many of your colleagues did well from the buyout.