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Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Most people who carry guns are doing it for self-defense, not civil defense.

    The rules of an Active-shooter event are:

    1. Flee
    2. If you can’t flee, hide.
    3. If you can’t hide, fight back.

    Carrying a concealed weapon doesn’t change that. I have a little 380 pocket pistol I’ll occasionally carry. It’s low-capacity, low-power, and low-accuracy. No way am I volunteering to take on a psychopath with a long gun who isn’t worried about collateral damage with my little pea shooter, and anyone Who expects me too just because I’m armed can kiss my ass.

    I carry a pistol to protect me from muggers and car-jackers, not to protect the public.

  • Not enough detail in the comic to tell whether it’s a striker or hammer-fired pistol.

    Most striker (and some hammer) automatics cannot be decocked without pulling the trigger on an empty chamber.

    And got those that can, you either have to pull the trigger while holding the hammer back and lowering it manually, or by flipping a separate switch or button.

    If it could be done by moving the slide back and pulling the trigger, then holding the trigger down while firing the gun would result in full-auto.

  • To help fight bot disinformation, I think there needs to be an international treaty that requires all AI models/bots to disclose themselves as AI when prompted using a set keyphrase in every language, and that API access to the model be contingent on paying regain tests of the phrase (to keep bad actors from simply filtering out that phrase in their requests to the API).

    It wouldn’t stop the nation-state level bad actors, but it would help prevent people without access to their own private LLMs from being able to use them as effectively for disinformation.

  • The d-pad on the 360 controller was garbage. It was the only thing holding it back.

    I think they’ve found a great place with the One/Series controllers.

    I also really appreciate that with the jump to the Series X/S they didn’t change controllers. They had one that worked that people liked, so they kept it. And it works via Xbox’s proprietary wireless protocol, USB, or Bluetooth, so it works on pretty much anything but a Playstation or Nintendo.

  • I see like 10 a day. I work in an enclave city for the uberrich where the average new home being built costs what I make in a century (and I make pretty good money money), so we’ve got lots of them.

    I’ve seen a bunch getting paint jobs. The matte black ones look like what scifi Nazi gestapo would drive, but all of the paint jobs look better than the bare metal. There’s a brushed-gunmetal one that I think is a pretty attractive compared to the rest. The vehicle is still ugly, but it’s less-ugly with a good paint job.

  • Dave Feloni, the producer behind Mando, Boba Fett, and Ahsoka isn’t some outsider who knows nothing. He was the producer of the Clone Wars and Rebels, and has a deep love of the franchise and its lore. In fact, what alienate many people about his shows are that they are so incredibly respectful of what came before that newcomers don’t follow it.

    To understand everything in Ahsoka you needed to be familiar with so much lore that wasn’t in the films that it felt more like homework to understand for some viewers.