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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • While right now that may not be the case, but as someone who looked into the topic I can definitely say that it has similar potential. It’s just that a lot of companies just duct-tape AI onto their product and the result they get is usually shitty. But if you ignore all those “projects” that are obviously meant to fail, there are some promising projects and applications for AI that are actually made by people who understand what they are doing, the limitations and the upsides of the technology and they may just make products that are indeed useful.

    Sorry for the undecipherable wall of text, it’s early in the morning for me.

  • For me it’s categorizing radical ideologies correctly. I just hate people throwing around buzzwords, calling anyone a communist/fascist they disagree with. Those words have meanings. You can actually be worse then the fascists and still not be one, it’s not impossible. You can still be hated for that, but you didn’t automatically become one, because you are right-wing and coincidentally an asshole. But the moment someome calls you a fascist, while you’re just an asshole, their opinon automatically becomes invalid and wrong.

  • I mean in the grand scheme of things there are only a handful of types of people, maybe a few hundred and those types repeat over and over. Everyone has their own unique experiences, personal drama and relationships, but their behavior and core traits are shared with probably millions of people throughout history. Thinking you are unique is not a rational belief and if it becomes integral to one’s personality (like it has to millions of people before them) I think they should be mocked, just for the sake of getting their heads straight.

    It’s not that you aren’t allowed to be the most important character of your story, it’s just that you shouldn’t think that’s because you are something that never was before and never will be after.

  • No, fascism has no religion and government intertwining and corporate power is not protected under fascism, because fascists want everything under government control, which includes corporations as well. Most of the points are correct, but I feel this is a bit biased and overall trying to project current issues through nazism; both are bad, but I think it’s very important to make the distinction. Know your enemy.

  • I would say patriotism is when you love the ideas a nation is built on and stands for, while nationalism is when you love the people and history of a nation.

    As a european it’s very hard to love the former, since we’ve been here for more than a thousand years meaning whatever ideas our forefathers might have had in mind are rightfully gone now. However over this time we developed our own culture and became a nation of people which we can love instead.

    Nationalism doesn’t have to be toxic as it’s often depicted, if someone belives their nation is “better” that’s called chauvinism. Nationalism is just when you feel your nation is special for you at least and that makes you want to better it.