Programmer by day, burnt out by night.
Also the funny fact that the four male characters look like gnarly men, while the sole female character looks like her only talent is wearing make up
I hate that I’m not old enough to think WAP means anything other that the Cardi B song
Yeah, just check the PHP section!
My favourite is
var_dump(true == 'bob') . PHP_EOL; // bool(true)
var_dump('bob' == 0) . PHP_EOL; // bool(true)
var_dump(true == 0) . PHP_EOL; // bool(false)
Yes, the backend web dev can sanitise their inputs.
Or code is expanded/injected, like what happens in some CSS/JS frameworks.
In the FE part of my work, line numbers don’t mean anything in an error.
This one’s a missing )
on line 263, though.
Good human!
Seriously, though; thank you! Not for my mobile viewing pleasures, but for findability and accessibility!
In Netherland we call that “kontkussen” which both means “butt kissing” as a verb and “butt pillow” as a noun.
You promise?
Valuable information source becomes bot recycling machine…? Hey, I Reddit before!
That, or dQ…cQ
But XcQ being pronounce as “execute” is a good one, too!
He said he wouldn’t!
Good news, they’re top comment, now!
Or notebook colours, as the user suggested:
📕: error message
📙: warning message
📗: ok status message
📘: action message
📓: canceled status message
📔: Or anything you like and want to recognize immediately by color
Why, Apple? Why?
*glances at PR*
Man why does your code look so… *Different? *
That’s just binary with extra steps.
Awesome, thanks!
She knows what makes men happy
Over 30 anime piracy websites shut down
Holy crap! Are any private trackers hit?
streaming sites like Aniwave
Oh so nothing changes for me, gotchu. They could’ve been clearer in the title.
Second from the left.