Since they’re about to let go all of these gov employees, they will need a lot of money to hire consulting companies for pretty much everything. That’s what started happening in France and Canada already.
These private companies consultants are so much more efficient and cheaper than low paid gov employees who’ve been running the ship for decades. You totally believe it, right?
I buy social medias and news outlets. Then I weaponize them to support a clueless gullible idiot candidate for POTUS.
I use my influence on him to get a position that will allow me to get grossly richer by favoring my own businesses, including crushing unions and force my employees to work to death on low wages.
When I reach 1 trillion $, I’ll have much more resources to improve the planet and living conditions of my fellow humans.
But wait! Maybe I could do even more for humankind with 2 trillions $??