That’s so cool!
Fuck it we ball
That’s so cool!
To be fair it kinda is a bad part of even real world communities. Try going to a biker bar, animecon or any other community and saying “Gosh darn I don’t like ____”. Best case people would look at you funny and leave, worst - you getting a knuckle sandwich
Yeah, in terms of fun and coolness it kicks ass :)
I wonder if that carousel is actually space efficient. Like if you just made a setup on the same space, provided some verticality, is it going to store more?
I would go the the safari in Rimworld savanna. Don’t want my organs harvested though
Doesn’t this make mold grow?
Awww that’s such a hearthwarming story! Wishing both of you all the best!!
Lemmy support when
Wait really? God damnit :(
You’re good! And always remember:
It’s not about how much days is left in your life, it’s about how much life is still in your days!
Stay strong and keep on trucking!
God this is gold
Thank you for your work!!!
I think stubbing your toe hurt so much is because it’s pointless - you did to yourself “for free”
If I’m dying for someone I love at least it’s not in vain
Oooh I didn’t think about that… I’ll update the post
No, I think quite the opposite. I learned this recently and I was quite surprised no one ever uses this as one of the arguments for renewable sources of energy.
Because why invest in an industry that is basically declining and wouldn’t be around after 50-60 years.
Long way for now, but I slowly start to see the light at the end of a tunnel :)
I’m learning to drive. After a big pause I felt like I forgot everything completely, but since I started doing lessons regularly again I can see steady improvements
Ultimate Chicken Horse ftw!
It’s even more annoying that there are different possible pinouts in the port itself without clear labling. So always use the one cable that came with the peripheral, or you have a chance to fry it