What i have found is that if i use my vpn when downloading , some countries dont have active ads for the podcasts i listen to so it just downloads without. All i hear is a fade out and 3 sec silence and then fades back to the show
What i have found is that if i use my vpn when downloading , some countries dont have active ads for the podcasts i listen to so it just downloads without. All i hear is a fade out and 3 sec silence and then fades back to the show
Young Ejecta - Ride Lonesome has been my favorite for this month.
If i accidentally have a bomb i can just mail it to myself. Now i just have to worry about forgetting stamps and envelope
Shannon Hawley - Mercy With 1000 listenings and maybe 100 from me i bet i’m close to the top 😀
I installed it from fdroid, is there a difference between play store and fdroid version?
Tasks.org on f-droid is great for this kind of use.
I would not mind eating lab grown and I think it is great if people would eat that instead but ive been vegan for so long that i have no interest in meat. I hardly eat mock meats, its only in social situations to not stand out to much.
Im usually on a Swiss vpn and i know that atleast the uk podcast , Ukraine the latest, get the ads removed.