Wow, an inkwell and nib pen.
We used fountain pens that reloaded from ink bottles in class in the 70s.
Fountain pens that used disposable ink cartridges were considered high tech stuff.
Inkwells and nibs were for really fancy calligraphers.
Indeed, the next time I reloaded the app, it was automagically updated to v2.24.2, and the red notification was gone.
Time to buy shares in VPN providers?
The groundhog’s name is Phil. No wonder they left in disgust.
HL3 hasn’t dropped yet at that point in time.
You’re right, “#” for checkmate is in more common use than the “++”
The writer played multiple games of chess against some conventional chess programs or AIs, and used a simple algorithm to determine their own moves:
For each move, the writer:
This algorithm for choosing chess moves did not result in optimal play, and lost badly against the standard chess programs/AIs.
The illustrated position shows the algorithm generating a blunder or useless move for White (Ne2) that allows a checkmate victory for Black with their next move (… b4#), i.e. “Black Bishop moves to b4, checkmate.”
Black’s winning move is not shown, likely as a brainteaser for the readers.
The writer named their algorithm “AlphaMove” as a take on Google’s famous chess playing AI from 2017 named “AlphaZero”.
Except in the writer’s case, the “Alpha” in their algorithm’s name is short for “alphabetic”, which makes the expanded name “Alphabetic(-sort)Move”.
“Sorry for the disappointment son. Next weekend I’ll make it up to you. We’ll go to the Zoo Of People Who Want To Fuck Their Couches”
Replies with “Grrr” Roan (a type of horse)
Whenever they announce Dog of War 4
RPCS3’s website says GoW3 has problems with this emulator.
This title is currently not considered “playable”, as the hardware requirement is too high. But it can be played from start to finish with decent performance on a good CPU, especially if you use the game’s patches.
100 years ago we just killed them and redistributed their wealth, which is part of what fixed the Great Depression.
Wha? I thought Congress passed estate taxes starting in 1916, the robber barons didn’t live as long as today, so they died of old age and disease more-or-less like regular people.
I never heard of many of them being killed.
I’d be interested to hear more about patterns of killing.
I did find an APK on some outfit called, installed it, but it had something something about Iran, so I probably now have Iranian malware on my phone. 😓
Flud looks proprietary and has ads.
Libretorrent works just as well and is open source.
Plague Inc. comes in at the top of a search in the Play Store for “pandemic” but I understand that it’s kind of a reverse concept of the Pandemic boardgame: You try to wipe out those pesky humans by developing an incurable virus.
I might be inclined to give it a try if I can’t find a decent implementation of Pandemic.
Willy Wonka predicted this. Just spit it out before it gets to the blueberry pie.
Not when the community notes will be written by AI, and voted on by bots.
Whomever has the most AI and bots to swamp the notes with their text and generate votes wins.
Does that sound like a good way to get facts?
About the artist, Gustave Verbeek, he drew 64 of these strips, one a week for a little over a year from October 11, 1903, to January 15, 1905!
You can view 41 of these strips online, with a handy image rotator, at"lovekins"&size=100
Warning: Some strips have stereotypes that wouldn’t be acceptable by today’s standards, for example the strip “The Negro and the Watermelon”
Cthulhu does give good service when you call, unlike my bank with the fucking phone tree.