As in, sea view, mountain view, lake view etc. Which with you choose if you got to place your house looking out at X type of view?
Stars. I don’t see them as much anymore as I did growing up.
My little town in the mountains is a Dark Sky community, which most people take pretty seriously. The Commerce people put up bright white streetlights on the less-than-a-mile-long main street last year and everyone’s pissed about it.
I grew up near the mountains, and now I live near the sea.
I find myself missing the mountains, there aren’t really any near here.
The sea has its perks though. It’s influenced a lot by the weather, so it feels like it has its own character. If you’re close enough, it has its own white noise too.
I’ve been through the prairies of Saskatchewan and let me tell you that view’s a trip. They say if your dog gets out you have three days where you can watch him go before he’s lost
Sea or lake view from the mountains. Even better if I can also have a view of a lake/seaside town on the shore.
WebView. But only if you configure your system to use Firefox for WebView globally.
I love the city skyline. Especially at night.
This is a tough one… I’m a sucker for a sea view at sunset, but have always been amazed by the rolling hills as well.
Fir forrest
A deciduous and evergreen forest that blankets a mountainside surrounding a glacial lake. My only stipulation is that there is not a single trace of human civilization in the scene, except of course for a single log cabin. Mine.
Sea. Just endless peaceful sea until the horizon, gentle waves on a sparsely populated beach.
You’d have to add a NSFW tab.
I’m an urban person, so city view and skyline would be my preference.
Mountains. But a view from within the mountain range. For all its issues, I love the nature/geography of the Salt Lake valley. Asheville is another example. You’re surrounded by mountains on all sides. Versus somewhere like Denver, where the mountains are over there–you can see them, but you’re not really directly amongst them.
Fireflies in a meadow
Skinny Dip Hollow.
Hippie Hollow? I suppose there are plenty of wrinkles to look at.
Yet another things GenZ and Millennials are ruining by refusing to participate.