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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I guess the deal was he felt like his vocals were drowned in the mix. In between the songs Farrell was talking to the audience and Navarro belted out a power chord to shut him up. In the song they were playing before the scuffle, apparently members of the audience in front were shouting they couldn’t hear the vocals. Farrell “screaming” at the end of the song was him trying to highlight that even if he was screaming no one could hear him, and I guess that amped him up and then he snapped.

    In my opinion, basically what happened is he was drunk and babbling and slowing down the show between songs. Additionally, I wouldn’t be surprised if his vocals were lowered in the mix given he admitted himself after a previous show that he basically wasn’t singing well. Not uncommon to have the rest of the band a little louder to cover for a struggling vocalist.

    Simply put, he was drunk and not singing well. But mostly he was drunk and being a babbly asshole, and he was drunk and turned violent.

    Basically, he’s a drunk asshole.

  • Middle, upper-middle, and upper class=wealth flows down.

    If you’re poor, and sometimes just not white, wealth flows where it’s needed. Coworkers were very confused why I’m trying to save money to help my parents – who do and have always rented – when they’re too old to work.

    Like they literally struggled to wrap their minds around the idea that a) not only can my parents not afford to retire, b) they can’t afford care when they can no longer work, c) they currently take care of my grandma who is in that position right now, d) I don’t, haven’t, and won’t be receiving some sort of windfall in the form of property or money when they die, e) the best off of me and my siblings are who tries to help out financially for the siblings that are having tougher times, not our parents.

    They looked at me like I had grown a second head, but I work around almost exclusively upper middle class white people.

  • It was hardly a “PR move,” they didn’t publicize it, and it didn’t really get traction until Carli Lloyd “admitted” it on Twitter. I’m sure they were taking it a little easy though. That being said, the Australian women’s team lost to U15 boys 3-0 and again to another U15 boys team 7-0; Arsenal’s woman’s team lost 5-0 to a U15 boys club; the professional squad Athletic Feminino in Spain lost to a U16 boys squad 6-0; and there are many, many more examples.

    I actually watch more women’s soccer than men’s, so I’m not denigrating the game or quality of play, but I think you’d agree the above represents a pretty clear trend.

  • Most professional sports in the United States don’t have any policies against women being in the sport. NBA, Football, Baseball, Hockey, etc.

    None of them exclude women from playing in the professional leagues. Baseball did briefly in the middle of the 1900s, but that policy was reversed

    It’s just that, for these sports, the best women in the game have not yet been better than the worst men in the game. A woman and a man of equal height and weight are still not generally physically equal. Muscle composition and growth, bone structure, etc. mean that on average, women are less strong and less explosive than men, and most popular sports emphasize those attributes.

    WNBA teams would often scrimmage against male pick-up basketball players for practice, and they would also often lose. These were just random guys in the area, many of whom didn’t even play often.

    The US Women’s National Team played against FC Dallas’s under-15 boys squad and lost 5-2. That USWNT went on to win the Olympics and the women’s World Cup. The Australian women’s team lost to U15 boys 3-0 and again to another U15 boys team 7-0; Arsenal’s woman’s team lost 5-0 to a U15 boys club; the professional squad Athletic Feminino in Spain lost to a U16 boys squad 6-0; and there are many, many more examples.

    There is some research on evolutionary theory specifically about the vast differences in upper-body strength: “But even with roughly uniform levels of fitness, the males’ average power during a punching motion was 162% greater than females’, with the least-powerful man still stronger than the most powerful woman. Such a distinction between genders, Carrier says, develops with time and with purpose.”

    There are very few sports where this would be feasible, and most if not all those sports are not well-watched and make very little money: shooting, archery, ultra-marathons come first to mind.

  • I was kind of joking, but plastic bags create microplastics and nanoplastics through photo-degradation and manipulation. Unfortunately, stretching, tearing, cutting, and twisting plastic bags create both micro- and nano-plastics. So you’re definitely creating them now, not in 5-10 years.

    Avoiding microplastics is basically impossible though, so I wouldn’t stress it. You should look up how much magic eraser sponges create. It was actually so crazy I decided not to use them again, even if avoiding microplastics is not realistic.

    This will prevent you from using plastic bags ever again?? That’s the real value. Nice job!